Follow this recipe to create a truly healing and nurturing soup—almost as good as grandma’s. Prepare the recipe just for yourself, or make extra to share with your friends and loved ones. Either way I promise you’ll be feeling the love.
- Start with your favorite soup recipe—or find a new one. If you don’t like soup, substitute another, heathy-ish, comfort food. Make sure it’s something that you find truly delicious and feel good about feeding yourself.
- Prepare the kitchen by removing as much mess and clutter as it takes you to feel comfortable in your workspace. Remember that you are cleaning for yourself. If the process starts to seem like a chore, it means that you’ve done enough. Prefer working in a messy environment? Then feel free to leave things as they are, or even mess things up a bit before proceeding.
- Set the mood by lighting candles, playing your favorite tunes, opening or closing the shades. Whatever it takes to bring some more fun, peace, and pleasure into your kitchen.
- Take out the ingredients and set them up on the counter. Remember that gratitude is a form of love. So take a moment to really honor and appreciate the bounty that is before you. If you are missing an ingredient, no worries. You can always substitute something else and/or try a different recipe. Cooking, like life, is a creative process and sometimes you just have to make do with the ingredients you have on hand.
- As you begin preparing the meal, try and stay present and positive. If you enjoy cooking, you can then focus on how much fun you are having and how great it feels to take the time to do something that you truly enjoy. If cooking isn’t usually your thing—that’s OK too. Feel free to cut any corners in your recipe (e.g., use precut or frozen veggies, precooked chicken), and focus instead on how good it feels to be taking the time to do something positive and nurturing for yourself.
- As you work, imagine yourself channeling love, light, and life force energy into the food. It might help to think about someone for whom you care deeply or about a time when you felt joyful and at peace.
- While the food cooks, be sure to smell the aromas, take in the beautiful colors of the vegetables swirling around in the pot, and think about just how yummy the finished product will taste—and how loved and nourished you will feel while you are eating it.
- Set the table with your most beautiful dishes and linens. Add flowers, candles, and any other flourishes that you find pleasing (unless this seems like another chore, in which case you can skip this part).
- Serve, eat, and feel the love. You deserve it!